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Responsible Artificial Intelligence Network for Climate Action in Africa (RAINCA) Proposal Development Training


Responsible Artificial Intelligence Network for Climate Action in Africa (RAINCA) Proposal Development Training

Concept note

The development sector is constantly seeking innovative solutions to societal challenges, and proposal development is crucial for securing funding and support for projects. Strong proposal writing skills are essential for organizations and individuals to effectively communicate ideas, attract resources, and implement sustainable projects. To address this need, the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Network for Climate Action in Africa (RAINCA) is organizing a Proposal Development Training at AKADEMIYA2063’s Headquarters in Kigali, Rwanda, from July 12 to 14.

The objective of the Proposal Development Training is to improve participants' ability to create compelling project proposals that align with donors' priorities and address community needs. It will equip them with knowledge, skills, and tools to craft persuasive proposals, ensuring sustainable research for the lifetime of projects.

RAINCA, funded by the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), consists of three institutions: the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL - the leading institution of the hub), the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), and AKADEMIYA2063. The hub funds sub-grantees working on AI applications in climate areas, selects sub-grantees, and provides technical, administrative, and capacity development support.