Trier par type
Note de synthèse
Trier par axe de travail
Perturbation des systèmes de production
Zones sensibles vulnérables
Suivi des prix des denrées alimentaires
Effets macroéconomiques de la perturbation du commerce
Trier par titre
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_007_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_006_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_003_cover1.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_005_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_006_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_003_cover1.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_005_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_017_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover_Fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_003_cover1.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_004_cover6.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_4_cover1.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_5_cover2.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] =>
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_016_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_018_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_018_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_019_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in selected countries
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits primaires sur la croissance et la pauvreté dans différents pays
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_013_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[24] => stdClass Object
[id] => 453
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Zambia under the COVID-19 Pandemic
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires de la Zambie dans le contexte de la pandémie de
la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_014_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:19:53
[25] => stdClass Object
[id] => 454
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[authors_en] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Greenwell Matchaya, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Flour Price trends in rural districts and urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Évolution du prix de la farine de maïs dans les districts ruraux et urbains du Lesotho dans le contexte de la COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-08 12:29:45
[26] => stdClass Object
[id] => 455
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Banfora, Niéneta/ Bobo-Dioulasso and Tenkodogo markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Banfora, de Niénéta/Bobo-Dioulasso et de Tenkodogo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-013_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:21:31
[27] => stdClass Object
[id] => 456
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Maize price trend in Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo and Tita markets
[title_fr] => Tendance du prix du maïs dans les marchés de Kompienga, Ndorola, Solenzo et Tita
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-014_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-10 22:23:19
[28] => stdClass Object
[id] => 457
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-015_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 09:57:29
[29] => stdClass Object
[id] => 458
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly, and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo, Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Changing Growing Conditions in a time of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Évolution des conditions de croissance en temps de crise : le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:00:23
[30] => stdClass Object
[id] => 459
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia, Racine Ly et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Shift of Yield Dynamic during a time of Crisis: The Case of Millet in Senegal
[title_fr] => Variation de la dynamique des rendements en période de crise : le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-017_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-12-11 10:09:10
[31] => stdClass Object
[id] => 460
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid, and Babacar Ceesay
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, Mariam Diallo, Mohamed Ahid et Babacar Ceesay
[title_en] => 2020 Pearl Millet Production Forecasts for Selected West African Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production 2020 de petit mil en Afrique de l’Ouest : Les cas de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Mali, du Burkina Faso, de la Sierra Leone, de la Gambie et du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-016_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_016_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-01-07 11:42:33
[32] => stdClass Object
[id] => 461
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-03-15 21:12:19
[authors_en] => Babacar Ceesay and Mohamed Ahid
[authors_fr] => Babacar Ceesay et Mohamed Ahid
[title_en] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[title_fr] => AKADEMIYA2063’s Online Covid-19 Portal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-017_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_017_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2021-03-11 21:12:54
[33] => stdClass Object
[id] => 462
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé and Sunday Odjo
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Maurice Taondyandé et Sunday Odjo
[title_en] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[title_fr] => Dynamique des prix du mil dans les marchés de collecte des zones excédentaires au Sénégal après le confinement
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-018_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-06 23:42:55
[34] => stdClass Object
[id] => 463
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize Markets in Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-018.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-21 10:18:47
[35] => stdClass Object
[id] => 464
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[authors_en] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Jacob Greffiths, Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[title_fr] => Maize meal Price trends in urban districts of Lesotho under COVID-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 10:32:11
[36] => stdClass Object
[id] => 465
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[authors_en] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths, and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Bhekiwe Fakudze, Greenwell Matchaya, Ikhothatseng Greffiths et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[title_fr] => Maize grain price movements in markets of Blantyre and Nsanje districts in Malawi during the Covid-19 pandemic
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-020_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 12:54:10
[37] => stdClass Object
[id] => 466
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya and Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya et Sibusiso Nhlengethwa
[title_en] => Assessing spatial vulnerability to COVID-19 in Malawi
[title_fr] => Répartition spatiale de la vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 au Malawi
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-019_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_019_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-04-27 13:14:19
[38] => stdClass Object
[id] => 467
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[authors_en] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia, and Mariam Diallo
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly, Khadim Dia et Mariam Diallo
[title_en] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[title_fr] => Maize Production Forecasts in Northeast Africa: The case of Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-020.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_020_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_020_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-05-19 16:25:42
[39] => stdClass Object
[id] => 468
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[title_fr] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Maize in Rwanda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-021.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_021_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_021_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_021_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2021-12-10 07:47:35
[40] => stdClass Object
[id] => 469
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-021.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_021_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:40:15
[41] => stdClass Object
[id] => 470
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-023.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_023_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:42:15
[42] => stdClass Object
[id] => 471
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:45:15
[authors_en] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Leysa M. Sall, Ismael Fofana, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Cameroon
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-024.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_024_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:43:15
[43] => stdClass Object
[id] => 472
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[title_fr] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-025.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_025_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:48:15
[44] => stdClass Object
[id] => 473
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo, and Alhassane Camara
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana, Leysa M. Sall, Mariam A. Diallo et Alhassane Camara
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[title_fr] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Guinea
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-026.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_026_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:50:15
[45] => stdClass Object
[id] => 474
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
[authors_en] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana, and Leysa M. Sall
[authors_fr] => Naomi Mathenge, Ismael Fofana et Leysa M. Sall
[title_en] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact of trade shocks on growth and poverty in Uganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-022.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover.png
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[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_022_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2022-02-14 20:41:58
Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 270
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:13:27
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in West Africa
[title_fr] => Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_002_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:14:42
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 271
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-17 10:22:56
[authors_en] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, Sunday Odjo et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets: The Case of Millet Markets in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux : Le cas des marchés du mil au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-24 01:20:48
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 276
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-21 11:04:21
[authors_en] => Racine Ly and Khadim Dia
[authors_fr] => Racine Ly et Khadim Dia
[title_en] => Application of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Crop Production Forecasting During Crises
[title_fr] => Application de la télédétection et de l’intelligence artificielle pour la prévision de la production agricole en période de crise
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 13:55:07
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 341
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 21:20:19
[authors_en] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo and Maurice Taondyandé
[authors_fr] => Anatole Goundan, Mbaye Yade, Sunday Odjo et Maurice Taondyandé
[title_en] => Millet market coverage and networks in Senegal
[title_fr] => Marchés du mil au Sénégal: répartition
et réseau
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-002_cover6.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-31 17:00:44
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 342
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:06:02
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Nigeria
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-003_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Changes_in_global_commodity_markets_and_effects_on_country_trade_performance2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_003_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 12:58:40
[5] => stdClass Object
[id] => 343
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 22:18:01
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Nigeria
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Nigeria.
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-004_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => Impact_of_Trade_Shocks_on_Growth_and_Poverty_in_Nigeria2.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_004_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] =>
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:03:31
[6] => stdClass Object
[id] => 353
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-08-25 02:38:59
[authors_en] => Mariam Diallo and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Mariam Diallo et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Yam in the Democratic Republic of Congo
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise – Le cas de l’igname en République démocratique du Congo
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-001_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_001_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-26 02:38:59
[7] => stdClass Object
[id] => 388
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-08-27 01:43:36
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: East Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique de l’Est
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
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[last_update_date] => 2020-08-27 01:46:00
[8] => stdClass Object
[id] => 435
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-08-28 01:33:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[title_en] => Nutrition and food security status and Covid-19 vulnerability in West Africa
[title_fr] => Statut nutritionnel, niveau de sécurité alimentaire et vulnérabilité face à la Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-005_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_005_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 23:34:57
[9] => stdClass Object
[id] => 436
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 18:11:43
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability across West Africa
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des
communautés en Afrique de l’Ouest
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-006_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-01 18:27:48
[10] => stdClass Object
[id] => 439
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:06:12
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Senegal
[title_fr] => Evolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 16:42:56
[11] => stdClass Object
[id] => 440
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-09-01 19:10:48
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Senegal
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-008_Fr.pdf
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-28 13:05:02
[12] => stdClass Object
[id] => 441
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Senegal
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures
vivrières en temps de crise - Le cas du Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-009_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-17 23:20:00
[13] => stdClass Object
[id] => 442
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-09-30 13:28:36
[authors_en] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan, and Mbaye Yade
[authors_fr] => Sunday Odjo, Maurice Taondyandé, Anatole Goundan et Mbaye Yade
[title_en] => Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staple Food Prices: The case of Maize Markets in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base: Le cas des marchés du maïs au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-006_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_006_cover.png
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[last_update_date] => 2020-09-30 21:49:40
[14] => stdClass Object
[id] => 443
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths, and Bhekiwe Fakudze
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, Jacob Greffiths et Bhekiwe Fakudze
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Mozambique under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Mozambique dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-007_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_007_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_007_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-05 18:00:32
[15] => stdClass Object
[id] => 444
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Lea Magne-Domgho
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Lea Magne-Domgho
[title_en] => Impact of COVID-19 on hidden hunger in Senegal
[title_fr] => Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim
non apparente au Sénégal
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-008_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_008_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_008_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-09 12:34:02
[16] => stdClass Object
[id] => 445
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Country exposure to covid related commodity price shocks: Southern Africa
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial sur les prix des produits échangés par les pays d’Afrique Australe
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-009_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_009_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_009_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-10 06:00:39
[17] => stdClass Object
[id] => 446
[id_category] => 2
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[authors_en] => John Ulimwengu and Julie Collins
[authors_fr] => John Ulimwengu et Julie Collins
[title_en] => Assessing community vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Sahel
[title_fr] => Évaluation de la vulnérabilité des communautés face à la Covid-19 au Sahel
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:18:54
[18] => stdClass Object
[id] => 447
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[authors_en] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa, and Jacob Greffiths
[authors_fr] => Greenwell Matchaya, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Sibusiso Nhlengethwa et Jacob Greffiths
[title_en] => Maize Grain Price trends in food surplus and deficit areas of Malawi under Covid-19
[title_fr] => Tendances des prix du maïs dans les zones excédentaires et déficitaires du Malawi dans le contexte de la pandémie de la Covid-19
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:36:09
[19] => stdClass Object
[id] => 448
[id_category] => 3
[publication_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[authors_en] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui and Joseph Karugia
[authors_fr] => Paul Guthiga, Leonard Kirui et Joseph Karugia
[title_en] => The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staples Food Prices in Local Markets:The Case of Cooking Banana (‘Matooke’) in Uganda
[title_fr] => Impact de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les prix des denrées de base dans les marchés locaux: Le cas de la banane plantain (matoké) en Ouganda
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => Covid-19-Bulletin-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Bulletin
[illustration_filename] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => bulletin_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => bulletin_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-16 00:39:22
[20] => stdClass Object
[id] => 449
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Changes in global commodity markets and effects on country trade performance: Kenya
[title_fr] => Évolution du marché mondial des produits et conséquences sur les performances commerciales des pays : Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-010_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_010_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:13:08
[21] => stdClass Object
[id] => 450
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[authors_en] => Ismael Fofana and Leysa Maty Sall
[authors_fr] => Ismael Fofana et Leysa Maty Sall
[title_en] => Impact of Trade Shocks on Growth and Poverty in Kenya
[title_fr] => Effets de la perturbation du marché mondial des produits sur la croissance et la pauvreté au Kenya
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-011_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_011_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-10-19 21:16:45
[22] => stdClass Object
[id] => 451
[id_category] => 1
[publication_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[authors_en] => Khadim Dia and Racine Ly
[authors_fr] => Khadim Dia et Racine Ly
[title_en] => Predicting Food Crop Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of Sorghum in Burkina Faso
[title_fr] => Prédiction de la production de cultures vivrières en temps de crise : Le cas du sorgho au Burkina Faso
[content_en] =>
[content_fr] =>
[pdf_file_en] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012.pdf
[pdf_file_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063-012_Fr.pdf
[type] => Newsletter
[illustration_filename] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[illustration_filename_thumb] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover.png
[illustration_filename_thumb_fr] => COVID-BRIEF-AKA2063_012_cover_fr.png
[last_update_date] => 2020-11-26 17:38:45
[23] => stdClass Object
[id] => 452
[id_category] => 4
[publication_date] => 2020-12-02 12:06:19
[authors_en] => Ismael